version 1.3.7 -bug fix: fixed carousel text panel didn't appeared on cloned items version 1.3.6 -bug fix: fixed bug when closing the lightbox version 1.3.5 -bug fix: the lightbox was closing on video slider touch version 1.3.4 -feature: added mobile hide options to slider buttons and zoom panel version 1.3.3 -feature: added top position navigation option in carousel view version 1.3.2 -bug fix: fixed the flickering when close compact lightbox with view playing. -bug fix: fixed bug with text panel not always on on themes. version 1.3.1 -bug fix: text panel was not show on carousel cloned items -bug fix: fixed issue with one item only on carousel version 1.3 -feature: added "compact" lightbox type version 1.2.16 -bug fix: fixed the responsivness of regular themes. version 1.2.15 -bug fix: fixed hide preloader on tiles theme -bug fix: fixed empty image was trying to load version 1.2.14 -feature: added lightbox close on escape key version 1.2.13 -bug fix: make all the themes work within tabs version 1.2.12 -bug fix: make the gallery to work within tabs version 1.2.11 -bug fix: added clickable function for carousel and tiles grid mode for mobile and tablet version 1.2.10 -bug fix: adopted tiles clickable functions for mobile and tablet version 1.2.9 -bug fix: fixed text align in lightbox version 1.2.8 -feature: added tiles text panel text source, title or description version 1.2.7 -feature: added disable lightbox option (tile_enable_action). version 1.2.6 -bug fix: fixed some bug with lightbox text cut off version 1.2.5 -change: added css protection against unwanted css transitions version 1.2.4 - bug fix: fixed destorted images on some of the themes like avada version 1.2.3 -feature: added lightbox additional options including lightbox slider options version 1.2.2 -bug fix: fixed lightbox textpanel positioning on mobile version 1.2.1 -bug fix: fixed tiles type total height -bug fix: adopted the tiles galleries for touch -bug fix: fixed lightbox positioning when back from drag -bug fix: fixed tiles youtube play issues version 1.2 -added theme: tiles (columns,justified) -added theme: tilesgrid -added theme: carousel -option add: added grid option: grid_padding. -option add: added textpanel options: textpanel_fontfamily, etc. -option add: added option: slider_background_color -option add: added option: bullets_space_between to bullets object (for tiles types) -option add: added option: tiles_height, tiles_width for tiles fixed type -option add: added youtube video options: video_youtube_showinfo, -change: removed background color from the gallery wrapper -change: changed gallery min height and min width options to fit into mobile devices. -bug fix: fixed video gallery autoplay for vimeo video -bug fix: fixed video gallery description size -bug fix: fixed keyboard navigation in google chrome -bug fix: fixed bullets left margin on first item version (1.1.2015) 1.1.6 - bug fix: fixed video gallery title and description skin mobile view version (13.12.2014) 1.1.5 - feature: added bottom buttons for video gallery - feature: added ugCheckForErrors function for error message output version (2.12.2014) 1.1.4 - bug fix: fixed multiple video galleries on one page version (2.12.2014) 1.1.3 - added video gallery theme - added option to disble panel at start for some seconds - bug fix: fixed small bug with youtube playback version (29.11.2014) 1.1.2 - bug fix: when controls not alwqays on, don't show progress bar - bug fix: fixed fullscreen on ie11 version 1.1.1 -feature: added option: slider_videoplay_button_type. slider video play button type, square or round version 1.1 (20.10.2014) -feature: add grid bottom and grid top types -feature: added media players for youtube, vimeo, html5 video, soundcloud, wistia -feature: get automatically youtube images and thumbs by id -feature: added option: slider_zoom_max_ratio for limit the zooming -feature: added option: slider_scale_mode_media - saparate scale mode option for slider media item -bug fix: fixed first image was not loaded sometimes. version 1.0.3 -feature: add grid bottom and grid top types version 1.0.2 -bug fix: fixed avia strip navigation. version 1.0.1 - bug fix: removed max-width:100% from the images - bug fix: added strip arrows to alexis theme - change: set option "debug errors" to false - bug fix: added transition setting to strip scroll, was hard coded. - bug fix: fixed small bug in compact theme related to galllery resize - bug fix: fixed compatability with other draggable components version 1.0 - first release